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【FAQ】2 计算结果不同的原因 & 动态模拟中的“正确答案”









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发表于 2020-6-16 12:31:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 乔聪颖 于 2020-11-3 16:51 编辑

2 Reasons for the difference in calculation results

In this section is given brief description of reasons for difference of tNavigator calculation results on various number of cores and difference between tNavigator calculation results and other simulators.
Full description of notion "right answer" in dynamic modelling is given in section 7.3. This section gives a detailed answer to the following questions:
  • Model was calculated by tNavigator on different numbers of cores. We have different values of oil, water, gas production. Why does the answer depend on the number of cores? Which answer is correct?
  • 模型是由tNavigator在不同数量的内核上计算的,却得到了不同的油、水、气产量。为什么答案取决于内核数?哪个答案是正确的?
  • Model was calculated by tNavigator and other simulator. All the keywords in the model are supported by tNavigator, and there are no tNavigator-specific keywords that other simulator doesn't support, but difference in the results is significant. Why? How can I match together the results of tNavigator calculation and another simulator?
  • 模型是由tNavigator和其他模拟器计算的。tNavigator支持模型中的所有关键字,并且没有其他模拟器不支持的tNavigator独有关键字,但是结果差异很大。为什么?如何将tNavigator计算的结果和另一个模拟器进行匹配?
Usually, visible differences between tNavigator calculations on different number of cores and differences between tNavigator and another simulators calculation take place in models where there are:
  • group controls;
  • (井)组控制
  • economical limits WECON (see 13.20.76), GECON (see 13.20.123);
  • 经济极限WECON(参见13.20.76),GECON(参见13.20.123);
  • keywords ACTION (see 13.20.160), ACTIONG (see 13.20.161), ACTIONR (see 13.20.162), ACTIONW (see 13.20.163), ACTIONX (see 13.20.164);
  • 关键字ACTION(参见13.20.160)、ACTIONG(参见13.20.161)、ACTIONR(参见13.20.162)、ACTIONW(参见13.20.163)、ACTIONX(参见13.20.164);
  • well control mode is THP and VFP table number can change in case if user-defined ACTION condition takes place;
  • 井控模式为THP, VFP表号可在发生用户自定义ACTION条件触发时更改;
  • keywords UDQ (see 13.20.167).
  • 关键字UDQ(请参阅13.20.167)。
Difference in results in many cases occurs due to the fact that these keywords are triggered at different times in tNavigator calculation on different numbers of cores (or at different times in tNavigator calculation and another simulator calculation). Significant difference in
calculation can be obtained especially if we have long time steps.
1 JAN 2020 /
1 JAN 2021 /
1 JAN 2022 /
1 JAN 2020 /
1 JAN 2021 /
1 JAN 2022 /
In the example the given length of time steps is one year. In the calculation process they are divided into small computational steps.
在示例中,给定的时间步长为一年。 在计算过程中,它们分为小的计算步。
If the keywords (that are listed above) trigger at different times, then it can lead to the situation when the well is closed in one case, but continues its operation otherwise.

Example 1 of possible difference in calculation results.
In the model there is one production well. We specify the economic constraint WECON (see 13.20.76), the well will be shut if it exceeds 90% watercut. We calculate on 4 cores. On the N-th time step the watercut is 90.00%. We calculate on 10 cores. The watercut is 89.99%. As a result, the well is shut on 4 cores calculation, by continues to produce in 10 core calculation. If this well rate is 30 cubic meters per day (and restrictions on the time step length is not set), the simulator immediately steps on 100 days (default maximum time step is 100 days – DTMAX in RUNCTRL, see 13.20.142). In this case, fluid production from these two options will vary by 30 cubic meters * 100 days = 3000 cubic meters. Water cut is 90%, so this means 300 cubic meters of oil.
该模型中有一个生产井。 我们指定了经济限制WECON(请参阅13.20.76),如果含水率超过90%,则井将关闭。 以4个内核进行计算,在第N个时间步,含水率是90.00%。 以10个内核计算,含水率是89.99%。 结果,在以4个内核计算的模型中,井被关闭,而在以10个内核计算的模型中,井继续生产。 如果该井产量为30立方米每天(并且未设置时间步长的限制),则模拟器会立即执行100天的步长(默认最大时间步长为100天– RUNCTRL中的DTMAX,请参阅13.20.142)。 在这种情况下,这两个选项的流体产量将相差30立方米* 100天= 3000立方米。 含水率为90%,意味着300立方米的油。

Example 2 of possible difference in calculation results.
In the model there is user-defined condition for ACTION (G, R, W, X).
DEFINE WUVFPTAB (WUVFPTAB 'W*'+(WUVFPTAB 'W*'< 5)*(WTHP 'W*'>45)+(WUVFPTAB 'W*'== 5)*(WGOR 'W*'> 1200)+(WSTAT 'W*'== 4))
DEFINE WUVFPTAB (WUVFPTAB 'W*'+(WUVFPTAB 'W*'< 5)*(WTHP 'W*'>45)+(WUVFPTAB 'W*'== 5)*(WGOR 'W*'> 1200)+(WSTAT 'W*'== 4))
This condition can have significant influence on calculation results. The reason is that when THP exceeds 45 atmospheres and GOR exceeds 1200 then the VFP table number and well limits will be changed. Even a small fluctuation within the accuracy of numerical solution can lead to the fact that in one case the operation is triggered, and in other – no. Accordingly, the operation at different times can have significant influence on calculation results.
此条件可能会对计算结果产生重大影响。 原因是,当THP超过45个大气压且GOR超过1200时,VFP表号和井的限制将被更改。即使数值解的精度出现很小的波动,也可能导致以下事实:一种情况下会触发操作,而另一种情况下不会。 因此,不同时间的操作可能会对计算结果产生重大影响。

Question: Why does the answer depend on the number of cores?
The reason of different results on different number of cores is: the quality of number rounding and the preconditioner quality depend on the number of cores (preconditioner is the special matrix, which is constructed for solving systems of linear equations).
An example of different number rounding.
Let there are 4 numbers to sum a;b;c;d .
  • a+b+c+d – non-parallel programme code (for one core).
  • a+b+c+d – 非并行程序代码(用于一个内核)。
  • (a+b)+(c+d) – parallel programme code for two cores. In parentheses different cores sum numbers.
  • (a+b)+(c+d) – 两个内核的并行程序代码。在括号中,不同的核求和数。
The answer will be different because of rounding. Both answers are correct.

Question: At what number of cores we obtain the most accurate result?
The question is not correct. All results are accurate and correct and they form a set of solutions. Any result inside the particular area is also a solution. We shouldn't call one number a correct solution. A solution is a set of solutions.
这个问题是不正确的。 所有结果都是精确和正确的,它们形成了一套解决方案。特定区域内的任何结果也是一种解决方案。我们不应该将一个数字称为正确的解决方案。解决方案是一组解决方案。
Uncertainty is present in the initial data. For example, we can construct a model porosity cube (from LOGs) different ways by using different interpolation methods. In fact, these will be different variants of one model. The uncertainty generated by numerical methods for solving systems of equations is significantly less than the uncertainty in the input data.
Simulator does not solve the equations precisely. There is a numerical error in the solution (residual). It may be distributed differently on a different number of cores. However, even a small deviation in the solution on a specific step may lead to large differences in the results in the next step if the complex ACTION and economic constraints are used. The difference may be in the thousandth percent, but in one case the conditions have been triggered, and in the other – no. Further the results don’t match (see examples above).
In this case we observe a model sensitivity to a particular combination of group controls, economic constraints and ACTIONs. Simulator works correctly in both cases.
Thus, it is not correct to say that one or the other calculation result is more correct. Within the task of production forecasting it is logical to consider all the options as equally correct. The forecast itself is an estimation.

Question: What calculation result should I take?
In our opinion, all results are equal and correct, you can choose any one you like. As for the choice of one variant of the two equal variants, we would advise to choose calculation on the maximum available number of cores. It is the fastest. Taking into account the shortage of time, this calculation can be considered as the best.

Question: How can I match together the results of tNavigator calculation and another simulator?
If necessary, the sensitivity of the model to the conditions in SCHEDULE can be reduced by specifying restrictions of the maximum time step length. In tNavigator this can be done via the command:
where DTMAX – maximal allowed time step (days).
其中DTMAX – 最大允许时间步长(天)。
You should set in TUNING (see 13.20.136) maximum time step – 1 day – to calculate your model by another simulator.
For the correctness of comparison run calculations on one core.
Most probably the results of calculations will match together. However, in this case calculation time may significantly increase due to increase of the number of steps.



"The correct answer" in dynamic modelling

In this section we'll identify some of uncertainty factors that influence the dynamic problem solution. The solution "sensitivity" to
在本节中,我们将确定一些影响动态问题解决方案的不确定性因素。对“敏感性” 解决方案
  • maximal time step limit,
  • 最大时间步长限制,
  • linear and non-linear problem convergence tolerance,
  • 线性和非线性问题收敛容限,
  • number of cores used
  • 使用的内核数


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