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发表于 2020-4-17 11:17:16 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Pore-scale Modeling and Predicting Constitutive Relationships
Dr. Arash, 高级数岩工程师

I often get the question that how the simulations that I run are different than a reservoir simulation. The answer that I usually give is that I perform pore-scale simulations. But what does a pore-scale simulation really mean? Does it just have a different scale than a reservoir simulation, or are there fundamental differences in the way the physical phenomena are simulated? I am going to try to answer this questionin this article. To understand the differences between a reservoir simulation and a pore-scale simulation we first need to understand how a porous medium is modeled.

There are generally 2 or maybe 3 (if you differentiate pore-scale from grain-scale) methods for modeling aporous medium, namely continuum-scale, pore-scale and grain-scale. In acontinuum-scale model a porous medium is considered as a continuous materialwith a known porosity, permeability, and saturation at every single location.This is the way reservoir simulators model rock formations in a reservoir. The porosity, permeability, and saturation values in these models need to be determined from various sources. Typically well logs, cores, seismic and outcrop data are used to assign rock properties to formations in a reservoir. The variations are usually modeled using a random distribution. However, the challenge arises when it is time to assign capillary pressure and relative permeability curves to these formations. The most common way of assigning the seconstitutive relationships is using semi-empirical equations. The end points ofthe relative permeability curves are usually treated as adjustable parameters when performing a history match. In rare cases full special core analysis (i.e.SCAL) results are available on a select number of core plugs from the wells that were cored. These results are often used after being up-scaled.

In a pore-scale model, the pore-space of the rock is modeled as open space for fluid flow. The simplest form of a pore-scale model is the bundle of capillary tubes model. The exact geometry of the pore-space is needed to create an accurate model. Rock imageswith different modalities, e.g. optical, X-ray CT and SEM, are used to create amodel of the pore-space. That is why this type of models are also known asimage-based models. In pore-scale models, every point in the rock is either solid or open to flow. In more advanced types of pore-scale models different minerals may be assigned to different solid points in the model.

When it comes to simulating the physical phenomena in a rock. it matters what type of model you are using.If you have a continuum-scale model the Darcy’s law is used to simulate the fluid flow in the medium with known porosity, permeability, saturation values.However, if you are using a pore-scale model you have the description of the geometry of the pore-space, therefore, you can use the fluid flow equations for open spaces, i.e. Navier-Stokes equations. The results that you are going toget from these two models are also different. From a pore-scale model you canget a porosity value for the entire system and also for different parts of the sample. The results that you are going to get from these two models are also different. From a pore-scale model you can get a porosity value for the entire system and also for different parts of the sample. Permeability and other flow parameters can also be predicted using a pore-scale model. However the true strengths of these models are demonstrated when they are used to predictrelative permeability and capillary pressure curves. These saturation dependent relationships are some of the most difficult data to come by in E&Pworkflows. The table below lists some of the differences between pore-scale and reservoir-scale simulations.



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