本帖最后由 乔聪颖 于 2020-6-19 17:12 编辑
1.2 What minimum amount of memory is required for model's calculation
1.2 模型计算所需要的最小内存
The required amount of memory is proportional to the number of model’s active grid blocks.
For three-phase black oil model 3 Kb of memory are required for each active grid block; for 2-phase case 2 Kb are required for each grid block. Compositional and thermal models require about as many Kb per grid block as there are components in the model (including water and its components, as well as solid components).
Memory requirements may be further enhanced by the use of additional grid properties that specify the scaling of relative permeability end points, alkaline/surfactant/polymer injection, presence of tracers, temperature option in black oil and compositional models, hysteresis of relative permeabilities, rock compaction, non-equilibrium phase transitions, and other options that make use of the saved grid propetries from the step before.
If the percentage of active blocks is small, then model loading may require more memory than its calculation.