1.32 bit IEEE floating format 分三部分:符号位(sign)占1bit,指数部分(exp)占8bits,尾数部分(x)占23bits. 所表示的十进制数值result = (-1)^sign * ( 1 + x / ( 2^23 ) ) * 2 ^ ( exp -127 ) 2. 32 bit IBM floating format 分三部分: 符号位(sign)占1 bit, 指数部分(exp )占7bits, 尾数部分(mant)占24 bits. 所得数值result = (-1)^sign * ( mant / (2^24) ) * 16 ^ ( exp - 64 ) 3. 十进制浮点数转换为32 bit IEEE floating format void Form32BitFloat::num2ieee( float dec)
int sign,e;
uint x;
// 符号位:负数取1,其他取0。:
sign = dec<0?1:0;
// abs(dec) :
dec= dec* pow(-1, sign);
float d1; // integer part of float :
d1=(float)(int )dec;
double d2; // other part of float :
d2=(double )(dec - d1);
// gain e : 指数
int e0=0;
int d1d = d1;
if ( dec >0 ) //非0值才有必要计算
if (d1d >= 1)// d1 will shift right :
while ( d1d>1)
else // d2 will shift left :
while ((int)d2d!=1)
e= e0 + 127;
// gain x :
float x0;
x0 = dec * pow(2,-e0) - 1 ;
x = x0 * pow(2, 23 ) ;
if (dec==0) {x=0 ; e = 0 ;} //0值特殊对待
// merge sign,e,x:
ulong result ;
if ( sign==0)
result = sign*pow(2,31) + e*pow(2,23) + x ;//正值以原码形式存放
result = (~ e) *pow(2,23) + (~x ) +1 ;// 负值以补码形式存放
} 4. 32 bit IEEE floating format 转换为十进制浮点数 void Form32BitFloat::pushButtonIeee2Decimal_clicked()
ulong ieee;
int sign; //符号
sign =( ieee& 0x80000000 ) *pow(2,-31); if (sign ==1)// for value < 0 :
ieee =~( ieee&0x7fffffff ) ;//负数则为补码
int e;//指数
e=( ieee & 0x7f800000 ) * pow(2,-23) - 127 - sign ; uint x ; //尾数
x = ieee & 0x007fffff -sign ; // - sign : for value < 0
float x0 ;
x0 = x* pow(2,-23);
float result;
if ( x0 ==0 && e + 127 ==0 ) //0值特殊对待
result = 0;
result = pow(-1,sign)*(1+x0)*pow(2,e);
} 5. 十进制数转 32 bit IBM floating format void Form32BitFloat::num2ibm(float input)
long sign;//符号
sign = ( input<0?1:0 ) ; long exp;//指数
float input1 ; // attention : cannot use long input1;
input = input * pow(-1, sign);// abs(input)
input1 = input; if (input >0 ) // 非0值才计算
if( (int)input>0)
while ((int) input1/16 > 0)
input1= input1/16;
while ( (int)input1*16 ==0)
exp++;// attention : ibm fmant : 0.mant not 1.mant !
long e;
e = ( exp + 64 ) ;
double fm = input * pow(16,-exp);////////////////
long fmant=(long) ( fm * pow(2,24) ) ;//尾数 ulong result ;
result = ( sign<<31) | ( e <<24 ) | fmant ; } 6. IBM 转十进制数 void Form32BitFloat::pushButtonIbm2decimal_clicked()
ulong DataUint32;
DataUint32 = lineEditIBMFloatInt->text().toULong(); // gain sign from first bit
double sign = (double )( DataUint32 >>31) ; // gain exponent from first byte, last 7 bits
double exp0 = (double) ( ( DataUint32 &0x7f000000 ) >>24) ; // remove bias from exponent
double exp =(double )(exp0 - 64 ) ; // gain mantissa from last 3 bytes
double frac = ( double )( DataUint32 &0x00ffffff ) ;
double fmant = frac/ (pow(2,24) ) ; float result = ( 1-2*sign)*( pow( 16 ,exp) ) *fmant; } 7. IEEE to IBM void Form32BitFloat::ieee2ibm(ulong fconv)
int endian;
endian=checkBoxBigEndian->isChecked(); ulong result ;
ulong fmant;
ulong fff ;
long sign;
long t0,t ;
long exp; long mant ;
if (fconv)
sign = ( 0x80000000 & fconv ) >> 31;
fmant = (0x007fffff & fconv ) | 0x00800000 ;
t0 = 0x7f800000 & fconv ;
t = (long )(t0 >> 23 ) - 126;
while ( t & 0x3 ) { ++t; fmant >>=1;}
exp = t>>2;
fff = ( 0x80000000 & fconv ) | ((( t>>2) + 64 ) << 24 ) | fmant ;
if ( endian==0)
fff=(fff<<24) | ((fff>>24)&0xff) |
(( fff&0xff00)<<8) | ((fff&0xff0000)>>8);
result = fff;